As a therapist, do you ever think you have failed a patient?

Failing suggests an either/or conclusion, like an exam. Life doesn’t work that way, except when it comes to life and death.

That said, I’m self-critical, and think there are often things I could have done differently that might have served an individual better. I’ve also realized that it’s not my job to /save /people. I’m there to facilitate their own healing and path to becoming a better version of

When I began as a clinician, I did have the narcissistic notion that I was supposed to rescue my patients somehow. Through my own analysts and supervision, and experience with patients, I’ve learned how silly a notion this is.

I try to do my best. My best is certain to be flawed because I’m human. I consult with supervisors and colleagues and always work to increase my knowledge, and improve my technique as a clinician, because I understand that people come to me for help, and a lot is at stake, There is always room for improvement (on all sides).

So, although I probably wouldn’t say I “failed” a patient, I certainly can say, perhaps I could have done better.

2018-06-19T01:22:10+00:00 April 13th, 2018|